butaldehyde; butanal; n-butanal; butyl aldehyde; butyraldehyde; n-butyraldehyde; butyric aldehyde | |
Links: | 🌍 Wikipedia, 📏 NIST, 📖 PubMed, 📖Houben-Weyl, 2. Band (Butyraldehyd); p. 21, 199, 242, 📖Org. Chem., v. Richter, 1. Vol (Butyl Aldehyde); p. 118, 201, 215, 314, |
CAS RN: | [123-72-8] |
Formula: | C4H8O; 72.11 g/mol |
Use: | drugs; flavor for synthetic alcoholic beverages; manufacture of butyric acid and many other organic compounds; perfumes; rubber accelerators |
LD Rat, subcutaneous: | 10,000.000 mg/Kg |
Density: | 0.811 g/mL |
Molar volume: | 88.9 mL/mol |
Refractive index: | 1.394 |
Molecular refractive power: | 21.28 mL/mol |
Dielectric constant: | 13.40 |
Dipole moment: | 2.72 D |
Melting point: | -99 °C |
Boiling point: | 75 °C |
Vapour pressure: | 12 Torr |
Surface tension: | 24.82 dyn/cm |
Critical temperature: | 264 °C |
Critical pressure: | 4.0 atm |
Log10 partition octanol / water: | 0.88 |